Sunday, January 11, 2009

not much of an update

Sorry Mom, still not much of an update! I have been just getting back on my feet from the crazy snow filled holiday and have yet to update this blog. I am just drifting out of my after Christmas blues and resisting the familiar New Year urge to clean out and reorganize everything in my life. I feel like time is passing by undocumented but the blog has taken a back burner to getting my home in order. Plus my poor hubby has been down and out with pneumonia and strep throat for the past week so I have been on single parent duty. Anyhow, I have new pictures on the way and important things to say (at least they will seem important when I say them). But none will happen today, it is late and I am off to bed.

1 comment:

annaliese said...

even not much of an update is lovely to see sometimes :) praying that you all get and remain healthy now!