Monday, January 19, 2009

"Christmas lasts forever, mom"

This is what little Kadie girl believes. With all the weather and delayed mail, we have had packages slowly drifting in. Jack understand and is super excited every time the brown truck arrives, and Issie is clueless. But Kadie cannot wrap her brain around it. Why did they get me this? What is this for? I cannot believe they sent me this? It is sweet and a bit confusing. But she is loving it. The presents have been spaced out just right so she thoroughly plays with one set of toys before the next thing arrives. Thank you Grandma Mary for Wall E, it has already been played a ton and she plays all kinds of imaginary games about it. Thank you Tina and Popop for the Pet Shop set, she could not believe someone would get her "something so special".
And thank you Grandma Dauna for the fairy dolls, she is so proud that you actually made them. I think this is the end of the packages and the kids will need to realize when the brown truck comes it is usually with beads for mom.

So excited for the pet shop play house!

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