Friday, February 13, 2009

The gift of snow.

At small group last Sunday, I was confessing how I have been feeling ashamed of how difficult it has been to wrap my brain around being pregnant again. I love that the Lord is giving us another baby, but the process of realizing it has been more difficult this time around.

A guy in our group gave me this analogy and I have been thinking about it ever since. I thought it would be good to share, especially for those who maybe cannot understand the process I am in. Here goes...

The guy said it would be like this. He told his wife in Febuary that he wished that there would be one more big snow storm before spring. Then weeks passed, months passed. It got sunny and warm. They put the snow stuff away, packed up the sweaters and got out the shorts. They were enjoying planting for the spring and playing in the sunshine. Then one April morning they woke up to 8 inches of snow.

I love snow. I feel like I was really enjoying the sunshine, and now I am back tracking and adjusting to the beautiful snow.

The snow is a blessing, thank you Lord.


Tamara said...

Beautiful analogy! Fixate on Him and live each day fully as unto the Lord... God is good...

Julie D. said...

that is exactly how I felt when I got pregnant with Kaitlyn. What a blessing she is. I'm excited for you, Kelly.