Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Slowly pulling out of the pit....

So I realize I have not posted anything for nearly a month. The fatigue of the pregnancy has made sleep my highest priority. I have many things to post, pictures from Valentines' Day, the girlfriends Beach Trip, new pictures of Issie and the funny things the kids are doing. Life is still good even if I am sleeping my days away. I feel like I am starting to ever so slowly turn a corner and feel a bit more alive and a bit less exhausted. I am at 11 weeks, my real turn around usually happens at 14 weeks but maybe it starts to get better sooner, I cannot really remember.

We did see the baby again last week, so cute. Little arms and legs and it had the hiccups. All continues to be healthy with the pregnancy. My hormone levels are good and the baby seems to be growing as expected. Praise God.

I hope to be back to normal or at least close to it soon. I will post the stuff I missed then. Love you all.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Praise God for you healthy pregnancy and love hearing that your little blessing is growing and doing all the sweet things babies do... like hiccup and make their mommy's sleepy! Hugs!