Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Days of School

Well the last 2 days have been the busy back to school days for Jack and Kadie. Jack was super excited and had a great first day yesterday. He has an awesome teacher, his first male teacher. And all of his favorite friends are in his class. And he has a new bus driver. He was on cloud nine getting off the bus. It was a good day.

Our Fourth Grader!
Then today was Kadie's first day of Preschool. It was not quite as smooth of a day. First off, Kadie totally bit it on the retaining wall yesterday and got a big goose egg on her nose, making for a sad first day of school picture. Then on the way to the bus for Jack this morning, the van got a flat. Jack hitched a ride with another family and we went back to the house to get the truck. After loading up the girls we realized the truck had a dead battery. Then we realized the jumper cables were in Brad's car. Fortunately we have plug in battery charger so we could charge the battery. Both girls crying, and mom a bit upset as well, we finally got to Kadie's preschool (an hour late). She was happy to be there and of course did not want to leave when I came to get her a short 2 hours later. A bit bumpy but we survived.

Kadie at her first day of Preschool

1 comment:

Dee said...

That Jack is sure all grown up! And I could hardly see the owie on Kadie's face. Way to go on perseverance. I think I would have given up once the van hat a flat! Good job!