Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Olympics!!!

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a total Olympic freak! I am so excited to watch the Olympics this year. We have had a countdown to opening day in our family. Maybe it is from being an athlete for so many years, maybe its from having friends who were Olympians, maybe it is my competitive nature, probably a combination. I just love the personal stories, the fight, the triumph, pushing yourself past what you ever thought was possible. It is exhilarating! Of course my favorite is the swimming, thank goodness they have those events first because it would drive me crazy to wait. I told Brad last night that I will have swimming and competition dreams for months following watching just a few races. I guess that competitive swimmer in me is still alive somewhere. I think the hardest part for me is that, with the time difference, we sometimes hear the results before I get to see the event. That just stinks, I like to feel like I am there, seeing it for the first time with everyone else. So I totally shelter myself for 2 weeks from the news or even looking at newspaper. PLEASE, do not tell me the results of ANYTHING until I get to watch for myself. Well off to watch the women's volleyball, waiting not so patiently for a glimpse of the upcoming swimming events.

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