Jack at 8 1/2... yes the 1/2 still counts at eight!
He loves music, currently his favorite band on his MP3 is U2 (to his mothers delight). His favorite song is Walk On and he sings it throughout the house full voice constantly. It is a nice break from Journey which was a real blast from the past for me and Brad and brought up a few too many memories of the middle school years. He still loves soccer but since he has had a break from playing I think it might be taking a backseat to football. Not sure we are going to let him play real football so I am sure as Spring hits soccer will be back on top. Jack also loves to read and he is caught up in 2 books at once most of the time. His current passion is Shredderman and we are on book 3, it is a super cute book about a smart but nerdy kid who fights for truth and justice against bullies as a cybersuperhero. He is also loving the Edge Chronicles and is on the second book of these. This one is a fantasy book that follows a young boy who is a sky pirate but was raised by wood trolls as he goes through adventures to find his real family. Super imaginative and fun to read. Jack also loves food, we sense we are falling into the non stop eating stage and long gone is our picky little eater. He loves pizza and eats more than me or Brad, and he has a new found love of sushi (thanks to Brad). At his current rate I am sure he will be growing into those feet any day now.
As far as dislikes, Jack still is not fond of tomatoes, cannot stand his sister copying him (which happens all the time), and does not like to pick up the dog poop (that chore has lost its luster). He is still pretty sensitive and he has yet to appreciate that part of his personality, but it also leads to his other dislike which is bullies or anyone who treats others poorly.He is a great kid and an awesome big brother.
Kadie at 4!
Well Kadie has pretty strong opinions and thoughts about just about everything right now. She loves to have her way. She loves to convince you that her current story is true not imaginary. She loves to copy everything Jack does. She loves Isabella. She loves reading library books with Grandma. She loves yelling "surprise" as she jumps out behind a corner or a door. She absolutely loves popcorn and "daddy daughter nights". She is spunky and independent and super sweet too. She feels everything very strongly and is good at using her words when she is "angry" or "frustrated" or " her feelings are broken". It is a delight and a challenge but never boring.
Kadie dislikes naps, she will do anything to avoid it. She dislikes flushing the toilet as it is just too loud. She dislikes having to stay in her room until 7 in the morning as she has an internal clock that wakes up at 6. She dislikes be told what to do by Jack. And she dislikes having to be patient when Isabella is eating or someone is on the phone.
It is a fun age and a scary preview of the future but we are in it for the long haul and going to try to enjoy every bumpy step.
Well Issie has yet to make her desires completely known but a few things are clear. She likes mama's milk but she is super efficient and never eats for more than 15 minutes. She likes to sleep alone, gone are the days of cuddling, she prefers her blanket, her paci and her privacy and then she is out. She does still like her sling and will occasionally drift to sleep in that if she has too when we are out and about. She loves to play patty cake and has the funniest little squeaky giggle. She wants to sit up and stand up and she could not be bothered with trying to roll or crawl. She loves to look in the mirror but tends to want to eat her reflection. She loves to watch Jack and Kadie run around her and is fascinated by their faces. She loves when daddy says her name and always breaks into a big smile.
As far as dislikes, she likes to go to bed when she is tired and she does not like it if you don't realize she is tired and try to do something silly like feed her instead. She does not like to lose her paci in the car seat. And she does not like to be burped at night, "just give me the milk and put me back to sleep!"
Isabella is a sweet and easy blessing of a baby. I am sure in this household it won't be long until she makes her desires known.
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