Monday, January 11, 2010

I have a new job....

well that is what it feels like. I have finally taken the plung to really start eliminating processed foods and toxins from our diet and our home. Many things have led to this season, and after much resistance and denial, here I am. I feel ready but change is hard on all of us. I have had tremendous help and support from my dear friends that have begun this journey ahead of me. But it is still hard. I am not all organic, and don't expect to be able to afford that anytime soon but I am leaning toward more whole foods and more power foods. I am also limiting refined grains and sugars. Yes this means cereal, which for anyone who knows me, knows this is a big one.

Brad has been super supportive, the kids much more reluctant. I had to describe it to Brad as a new job so he could understand the depth of this change. I love effeciency, I love structure and organization ( I think I am the only one in my family who embraces this so you may not see it much in my household, but it is in my heart). Right now, I have been changing our meals, our recipes, the stores I shop, the foods I pick, the things I pack in lunches, I have been baking more, cooking differently, changing my cleaning products and dealing the the emotional reactions of everyone who is greiving the loss of something in our household. It is exhausting. Everyone told me baby steps but that is difficult, once you really understand what you are eating and how it is messing with your chemistry and your health it is hard to just keep eating it.

So I would love prayer as I try to balance this all out. The kids need prayer too as change is hard on them too. I am embracing a healthier and more energetic future. Everyone will adjust but change is hard.

1 comment:

Eryn said...

It does feel like a job, and like you said, once you understand the info, it's hard to take baby steps.

I was just doing some reading last night in my nourishing traditions cookbook (sally fallon). all this emailing has been a great refresher for me to remember why it's important. Thanks for getting me refocused!