Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Kadie!!!

Our Kadie Girl turned 5 yesterday! Some days I cannot believe she is 5 and other days it seems like she is turning 13. She definitely knows what she thinks, knows what she wants and knows how things should be. I don't think we will ever have to worry about her being swayed by the pressure of peers. I love these pictures, that Michelle took when we did our family pictures. Kadie is in a stage where she will not smile her normal smile and it makes group pictures a challenge. It was funny when I saw these shots. It seems like her most natural smiles are when we are holding her close. She is a little love bug so that could explain it.

I am just recently realizing how much she is growing up and no longer a toddler. She can articulate her words and thoughts pretty incredibly. She likes to play with only 1 or 2 people at a time but always wants to be where the action is at, even if she is just watching from a far. She has an obsessive relationship with Jack. She loves him sooooo much. He is the ultimate big brother, playing with her all of the time. But she also tends to get a bit overly attached and tends to struggle with a demanding spirit. This age has certainly had its challenges trying to balance every ones reactions to Kadies demands.

But she is super sweet and loving. She loves her family. Loves her little sister. Loves Lucy. She is the care taker and little puppy, she is the fairy and the mommy, she is the lost tiger and the invisible girl, she is always playing and imagining.

She loves school and seems to be able to learn best from someone that is not mom. She knows her letters and all her sounds and is learning to read but thinks she already knows how. It is hard to teach someone who believes she knows everything but we believe she will figure it out.

We love you Kadie. You keep us smiling, you keep us playing , you keep us laughing and you keep us guessing. You are a joy and a perfect fit in our family. We thank God for all you show us everyday. Happy Birthday Big Girl.

Blessed to be raising these gifts from God.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Hey Kelly--love all the pics. please send a dozen or so to me for your dad. thanks, Denise