Friday, June 13, 2008

Isabella at 7 months!

Well time flies when you have 3 kids. It is again hard to believe our little girl is growing up. She is so sweet, very compliant and loves to make funny noises. If I could figure out how to post a sound, I would get her giggle, I am sure there is a way. Anyways, she popped out her first two teeth without a single fuss (amazing). She also has started crawling, she crawled on her hands and knees before she figured out how to sit by herself, I hope that that does not have some secret meaning for our future. She does this creative mixture of crawling, rolling and spinning around to get where she needs to go. So far she cannot do anything on the hardwood floors so we have no need for a baby gate, she just gets stuck whenever she tries to leave the living room, it's pretty funny. She is also now sitting just fine and looks so much older just sitting without toppling over. She is funny about her food too. Her favorite foods are green beans and sweet potatoes, she tolerates other things but it is clearly not her favorite. Baby food green beans are disgusting by the way, I cannot believe she eats them.

our big girl- sitting at 7 months

Crawling at 7 months
The kiddo clan, Kadie, Issie and Jack. Our gifts from God.


Julie D. said...

compliant? We don't know that word in our family. I wonder what it would be like? Even the word is soothing...

KellyD said...

very funny, you never know this time around may be totally different, kd